

We are excited to invite you to an informative and inspiring event hosted by the Northern Alberta Co-operative Housing Association (NACHA). This
event will delve into the transformative potential of community land trusts and the strategic scaling of the housing co-operative sector in Edmonton.

Date: July 11, 2024
Time: 12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM
Platform: Zoom
Registration Link:
Registration Deadline: July 9
Invitation Flyer: Download flyer for more information


NACHA is strongly considering becoming a co-op of co-ops, aiming to protect and preserve existing co-ops while capitalizing on the recently announced Federal Co-operative Development Program. Your insights as leaders and stakeholders in the housing sector and your participation in this session are essential as we work together to create sustainable and affordable housing solutions for our community.


We also encourage you to share this invitation with other organizations with the same goal of providing affordable housing options to people in Edmonton and the surrounding areas. We look forward to your participation in this crucial discussion.


Thank you for your commitment to advancing affordable housing in our region. We hope to see you at the session.